Crystal: Monoclinic |
Stone of Relaxation
Scolecite is a member of the Zeolite group of minerals. It usually occurs as acicular (needle-like) and fibrous aggregations with apophyllite and other zeolites in the amygdaloidal cavities of basaltic volcanic rocks, and occasionally in gneiss and hydrothermal veins. Many excellent specimens have been obtained from the Deccan Traps of the Sahyadri Mountains of Maharashtra near Mumbai, India. According to New Age Therapists Scolecite helps one to bring the desireable things into ones life, as it helps one to take control of ones life. An excellent crystal to aid with feeling calmer and more relaxed. Zodiac: Capricorn |
for displaying and protecting your favourite minerals, gems, fossils, meteorites or other collectibles. We also make mineral display stands and acrylic blocks. FOLLOWING LINK BELOW: And DISPLAY PRODUCTS |