AMAZONITEK(AlSi2O8)Crystal: Triclinic Hardness: 6 - 6.5 Sp.G.: 2.56 - 2.58 Cleavage: Perfect Fracture: Uneven, Splintery Colour: Green, Greenish Blue, Blue Lustre: Vitreous |
Stone of Balance Amazonite is a green variety of microcline feldspar. It is an important igneous rock- forming tectosilicate mineral.It was worn by ancient Egyptians as a protective amulet. According to New Age Therapists, being a Barrier Crystal, Amazonite has the ability to help one focus efforts on keeping undesirable elements out of one’s life. Amazonite is a strong stone for communicating. Keeps one honest. Allows one to remain calm and unemotional in a situation where one is required to speak truthfully about a subject. Zodiac: Aries, Leo |
for displaying and protecting your favourite minerals, gems, fossils, meteorites or other collectibles. We also make mineral display stands and acrylic blocks. FOLLOWING LINK BELOW: And DISPLAY PRODUCTS |