Adamite (left under UV light)
Mapimi, Durango,


Crystal: Orthorhombic.
Cleavage: Good
Hardness: 3.5 - 6
Sp.G.: 4.32 - 4.48
Fracture: Uneven, Sub-conchoidal
Colour: Pale Yellow, Honey Yellow, Pale Green
Lustre: Vitreous

Adamite is a zinc arsenate hydroxide mineral, Zn2AsO4OH. It is a mineral that typically occurs in the oxidized or weathered zone above zinc ore occurrences.

Pure adamite is colourless, but usually it possess yellow colour due to Fe compounds admixture. Tints of green also occur and are connected with copper substitutions in the mineral structure.

Olivenite is a copper arsenate that is isostructural with adamite and there is considerable substitution between zinc and copper resulting in an intermediate called cuproadamite.

Zincolivenite is a recently discovered mineral being an intermediate mineral with formula CuZn(AsO4)(OH). Manganese, cobalt, and nickel also substitute in the structure. An analogous zinc phosphate, tarbuttite, is known.

Adamite occurs as a secondary mineral in the oxidized zone of zinc- and arsenic-bearing hydrothermal mineral deposits.

It occurs in association with smithsonite, hemimorphite, scorodite, olivenite, calcite, quartz and iron and manganese oxides.

The yellow to bright lime-green coloured crystals and druze along with its distinctive fluorescence make adamite a favourite among mineral collectors. Found in Mapimí, Durango, Mexico; Greece; and California and Utah in the United States.

Adamite was named after the French mineralogist Gilbert-Joseph Adam (1795–1881). It was first described in 1866 for an occurrence at the type locality of Chañarcillo, Copiapó Province, Atacama Region, Chile.

Stone of Balance

Metaphysical Healers say Adamite has healing effects on the physical body as well and is recommended for anyone dealing with depression, mental fog, everyday cloudiness, or lack of energy. Heightening ones drive and determination will make any distant goal or dream become a not so distant reality, enabling one to work towards achieving ones goal.

Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio

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